Monday, May 4, 2015

Installing a JBoss-A-MQ Broker Instance

Jboss A-MQ is a messaging service implemented on top of Apache ActiveMQ, which supports multiple messaging paradigms like publish-subscribe, point-to-point, and store and forward. This enables real-time messaging among multiple clients based on various platforms such as Java, C, and C++ via multiple protocols like JMS 1.1, TCP, SSL, STOMP and NMS. The broker which is responsible for exchanging messages among clients is hosted on Apache Karaf, a light weight OSGI-based real-time container.


  1. Download the JBoss A-MQ from
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file to a place of choice [JAMQDir].
  3. Edit [JAMQDir]\etc\ file and uncomment the admin=admin,admin line to define administrators credentials of the broker.
  4. Open the command prompt and navigate tp [JAMQDir]\bin.
  5. Run the command amq on the terminal. Terminal output should look like below.
  6. Navigate to localhost:8181 in the browser and verify the JBoss A-MQ management consol. 

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